July 21, 2020

Meet Baby Ezekiel

Fresh 48 & Newborns

Westerville & Columbus Newborn Photographer | Tami Harris Photography

Okay so it's NO secret how much I loooove Fresh 48 sessions and this one was no different. Originally, I was meant to be shooting this session in the hospital...but... COVID (*insert eye-roll here*). So, in-home session it was! Can I just tell you how refreshing this was?! The Willmore family was referred to me by a former client and they were the absolute sweetest. They welcomed me into their home with open arms and right away, I met my new BFF, 2 year old Violet.

Westerville Newborn Fresh 48 Photography Siblings
Westerville Newborn Fresh 48 Photography Big Sister

This little lady and I connected right away and she was so eager to chat it up with her new friend Miss Tami; showing me all her cool toys, complimenting my jewelry, and I even heard from Mom that she cried when I left that day. Bless her little heart! (I should have known my years as a pre-K teacher would be such an asset in my career as a Photographer!) Now, I know some may think Fresh 48s are all about the new baby (we'll get to him, don't worry), but I believe they're about so much more than that and in this case, it was just as much about Violet's new role as Big Sister! And let me tell you...she wears it well! She was so gentle and loving towards that sweet little man-of the-hour. Enter Baby Ezekiel. . .

Westerville Newborn Fresh 48 Photography smiling baby boy
Westerville Newborn Fresh 48 Photography baby boy
Westerville Newborn Fresh 48 Photography Siblings
Westerville Newborn Fresh 48 Photography Nursing baby hair
Westerville Newborn Fresh 48 Photography Baby Boy
Westerville Newborn Fresh 48 Photography Crying Baby

Look. At. That. Face. And all that hair!! Aagh, I love it! Can I just tell you, this little guy was wide awake for our entire session and so interested in this crazy lady with the mask on and a camera in his face. I love that in a short amount of time we were able to capture so many facets of his already forming personality. From the 'cover me back up, I'm cold cry' to the looks of deep contemplation, or those innocent smiles of pure joy- he truly made my job a breeze.

Westerville Newborn Fresh 48 Photography Nursing
Westerville Newborn Fresh 48 Photography Nursing
Westerville Newborn Fresh 48 Photography Nursing
Westerville  Columbus Newborn Fresh 48 Photography Nursing

Finally, no new baby session would be complete without a little snack break for baby! Nursing shots are just another beautiful piece to this Fresh 48 Photography puzzle. Now over the years, I've definitely realized that not every new mama is comfortable with these images being taken, and that's okay! I just so happen to love it when moms are on board though because that bond; that sweet experience that is over in the blink of an eye, deserves to be preserved in photographs. I just love the milk-drunk smile Ezekiel gave me after he'd had his fill. Too cute!

Thank you Willmore Family for choosing me to share your story!

Westerville Newborn Fresh 48 Photography Family
"Thank you so much for taking such beautiful pictures of our little family, especially our newest addition. We can't imagine having a better Photographer capture this precious moment in our lives."
-Savannah W.
"Thank you so much for taking such beautiful pictures of our little family, especially our newest addition. We can't imagine having a better Photographer capture this precious moment in our lives."
-Savannah W.