March 24, 2020

5 Tips For Photographing Your Newborn When Your Hospital is Limiting Visitors

Photography Tips

Westerville & Columbus Newborn Photographer | Tami Harris Photography

First and foremost, what a crazy time to be having a baby! I'm so bummed to have to this be my first Blog post for you all but it goes without saying that COVID-19 has truly interrupted all of our lives! While the current Stay at Home order may be preventing me from doing what I love, it is still so important to me to provide exceptional service to my clients, friends and family. That being said, it is my absolute pleasure to offer some tips to new parents on how to make the most of your own in-hospital photo session with your little one!

Throughout my time as a Fresh 48 and Newborn Photographer, regardless of the hospital I'm shooting in, the size of the room, etc. there are a few general "rules" or guidelines that I tend to follow in every single session. Here's a look at my Top 5.

Tip #1 Turn off the lights and open the blinds.

Hospitals are notorious for harsh (an hideous) orange-yellow lighting, leaving skin tones looking less than ideal. By eliminating this artificial lighting and flooding your hospital room with beautiful, soft, natural light, your images will instantly be more pleasing to the eye.


Just like in Tip #1, lighting is so crucial to all photography sessions. With those hospital blinds open and baby's bassinet near the window, this can really enhance the quality and overall look of your images. Step into the light!


Get moving! One of the best pieces of advice I can offer when it comes to shooting angles and your newborn, is simple: Don't shoot up baby's nose! Wait, what?! Believe it or not, this is actually a common mistake! Pretend there's a string connecting your lens to the top of baby's nose and shoot from there. If baby's nostrils aren't showing (or at least aren't prominent), chances are, you've got a flattering angle.

Tip #4 Details, details, details

Those tiny toes, pursed little lips and downy newborn peach fuzz are the images that Fresh 48 and Newborn Photography are made of. Don't be afraid to zoom in and get close to capture those precious, yet fleeting new baby characteristics. Bonus tip: Don't neglect the details in your room as well. Photographs of the hospital room itself , your morning breakfast, the view out your window, etc. will help you to remember these often forgotten details as the years go by.

Tip #5 Get in front of the camera.

Now is not the time to be camera-shy, Mama. I can assure you that as a mom of teenagers, one day you will wish you had more photos of yourself snuggling that newborn babe of yours. Give your support person, the nurse, whomever your phone or camera and let them capture you with your baby. Be kind to yourself. Your body just did the most beautiful and amazing thing it will ever do! Be proud and capture these moments that focus on your connection with your baby. I promise, you will be so glad you did!

Good luck. You've got this! And when the dust settles and we return to our lives, I can't wait to capture your family for you!

Tami Harris is a Fresh 48, Newborn and Family Lifestyle Photographer serving Westerville, Ohio and surrounding Central Ohio communities.

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